
Foresight Study on Hydrological Science in The Netherlands 2005 (KNAW)

The Boussinesq Center for Hydrology is the Dutch and Belgian scientific hydrology centre. It was established in 2005 as a result of the Foresight Study on Hydrological Science in The Netherlands (2005), performed under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

The objective of the Boussinesq Center is to strengthen hydrological research in The Netherlands and Belgium, and to create favorable conditions for an efficient multi-disciplinary research environment.

The Boussinesq Center organizes regular meetings of which the annual Boussinesq Lecture in October at the KNAW is the main event. Furthermore, the Boussinesq Center yearly organizes the spring – early summer meeting, especially aimed for the young and mid-career scientists, and sometimes summerschool, master classes and symposia. Additionally, the Boussinesq Center awards every three years the Boussinesq Award for an excellent researcher in the field of Hydrology, and provides support.

Currently, the following member institutes are participating in the Boussinesq Center:
